Southminster Sunday Worship and Ministry
Southminster Presbyterian is a congregation that worships in the heart of Nashville, TN. At Southminster Presbyterian, we believe that God calls us flawed people to join Jesus in the adventures of love and service. Our ministry and what we want to do in the world is share God’s love by building relationships of wholeness based on mutual respect, compassion, and encouragement.
An important word to us is the word telos. It comes from a Greek word used in the Bible. Telos is often translated as “perfect” in English but holds a much larger meaning than one word can contain. Rather than our modern idea of “perfect,” it means to be whole and complete. To be all that something was created to become. If we use this way of thinking about Christian faith, our ideas of “perfection” in Christianity give way to ideas of gradually and gratefully becoming whole. Having the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them as we discover and lean towards our potential as Christ-followers. It means that Christian faith is a process, not a one-and-done event.
We welcome ALL into our church family. If you are searching for a church near you to worship at, we welcome you to visit our worship each Sunday. For more information visit our Facebook page @SouthminsterNashville or check out some of our previous services at